Frequently Asked Questions
For your convenience, we have provided a list of frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions not addressed, please feel free to contact us here.
What do I receive when I graduate? How do I graduate?
You graduate by listening to all of your classes and completing a final open book exam. For some programs there are some basic assignments to ensure you understand how to use the forms and resources you would use with your clients. (You complete them yourself first.)
All graduates receive this logo for their website and promotional materials. You will get 1 certificate per niche. You may optionally apply to receive certification add-ons.
What type of coach certification certificate will I receive upon completion?
Upon graduation you will receive one (1) certificate of certification per niche. The basic B2F Girls! Certification program includes one (1) certification in Girls Empowerment Coaching. However, you may apply to add Life Coaching for an additional $197 (discounted investment of $197 is exclusively available to students enrolled in the B2F Girls Empowerment Coach Certification program who wish to add the Life Coach certification. Recommended for those who wish to pursue versatile coaching options).
Can I use my certification to coach beyond my mentoring program?
Yes! Upon graduation from our certification program you will be able to launch your program as well as offer coaching services to individuals and organizations. According to the ICF Global Coaching Client Study commissioned by the International Coach Federation, individual clients reported a median ROI of 3.44 times their investment in coaching. Bottom line, coaching is an investment that can produce monetary rewards above and beyond the cost.
How do I access course materials once I enroll? What should I expect?
You will be provided a password to our password-protected access page to access all course materials. Most communication will be via email and your welcome packet will be sent to you upon enrollment.
What is a certification add-on?
A certification add-on is any certification that is acquired in addition to the one you have already purchased through B2F Girls! The add-on price of $197 is honored for a 6-month period from the time of original purchase. (Ex. In January 2015 you enroll in B2F Girls! for the Girls Empowerment Coach certification. In May 2015, you decide you wish to add Life Coach to your repertoire. B2F Girls! would honor your special pricing of $197 to add-on the additional certification.) Add-on certifications after the 6-month window expires will be charged the regular certification rate ($1197.00).