A special thank you to our Sponsors: Sweet Escapes by Suprena, Dushawn Banks Photography and Black Reins Magazine.

B2F Roundtable
This meeting was designed to catalyze action across the country in support of girls in, or at risk of being involved in, girl on girl violence. In particular, we focused on building the capacity of existing girl alliances/coalitions, and supporting the development of new ones. Additional topics included the new role and priorities of B2FG, working together to craft a toolkit to support those who work with girls, and shaping new opportunities and resources.
Meeting Invitees
B2F Girls Roundtable: Stop Girl on Girl Violence (Phase I) brought together representatives from existing girl alliances, experts from the field, policymakers, educators and agents with the juvenile justice system. This Roundtable was open to the public.
Individual Organizations:
B2F Girls Worldwide
GA House of Representatives
Clayton County Board of Education
Ladies of Favor, Inc.
180 Group
NAN Atlanta
DeKalb County Medical Health Court
DeKalb Juvenile Justice
Newton County Schools
Clayton County Schools
I Am Her Voice
F.R.O.G.S. Fathers Raising Our Girls' Self-esteem
A Sweet Creation Youth Org
Providence Branch Youth Work Committee
NEAC Youth Work Committee

B2F Girls Roundtable
A Move to End Girl on Girl Violence
When? Friday, June 17, 2016. 10 AM - 2 PM EST.
Where? Floyd Room at 200 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30334 (Located on the 20th floor of the west tower in the Sloppy Floyd Building just across from Georgia's State Capitol building).
B2F Girls founder, Shekina Farr Moore, moderated a Roundtable discussion on
empowering girls to be leaders who are equipped to handle conflict in a non-violent manner.
Why a Roundtable? The roundtable environment allows for input from many experts with varying perspectives and produces new thinking that challenges existing best practices. Everyone in attendance will get some level of consultation as they learn from both the moderators and the participants.
The purpose of the B2F Roundtable is to receive unexpected valuable information. You will likely hear about problems that you haven’t faced yet, but will in the future. Although you may not be aware of an issue yet, hearing solutions from other professionals will help you plan accordingly. Key qualities of the Roundtable will include an informal discussion, an emphasis on discussion and an active audience role.
To RSVP to be an active audience member, register below.

Shekina Farr Moore | CEO, B2F Girls Worldwide
Erica Thomas | GA House of Representatives District 39

Jessie Goree | Clayton County District 3 Board of Education Member
Tamarre Torchon | President, National Action Network (NAN) Atlanta
Craig Boykin | Professional Speaker & Founder, 180 Group LLC
Diva Tyler | Actress & Advocate, Dekalb Juvenile Justice
Gabrielle Starr | Founder, Ladies of Favor, Inc.
Pilar McCloud | CEO/Founder, A Sweet Creation Youth Org; Motivational Speaker; Chairwoman NAACP Prov Branch Youth Work Committee; NEAC Chairwoman Youth Works Committee

*There is limited space at this event. Seats will be reserved based on registration. Event Registration will close once capacity is reached. Please RSVP when you are certain that you will be in attendance. This is an interactive event. Audience-participation is requested and appreciated.
Friday, June 17 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Please remain for photos in the Rotunda following the event.
More Event Photos

A special thank you to the White House United State of Women for featuring our Roundtable!