Alison Feliciano: A Woman You Should Know

There are women and then there are women you should know.
Everyday women across the country and globe are making things happen in their world. They are women who have outperformed, innovated, discovered, defied and soared.
Come meet Alison Feliciano at the inaugural ZOOM CON in Atlanta, GA - Ramada Plaza, March 24-25, 2017!
Alison Feliciano is a CEO, speaker, author, but most importantly the widow of a veteran and a mother of two children which are priority. She calls it the inner circle. Alison has been in the finance, mortgage and real estate industries in different capacities for over 25 years. Although she is passionate about educating people in areas of credit and debt, above all it’s her calling to help people to dream big!
A native New Yorker since moving to the Atlanta area, Alison has been able to speak to various groups in the area but has a passion of bring her message to the body of Christ. Alison Feliciano’s straight-from-the heart, high-energy, passionate message motives and engages all audiences to step in their greatness, providing them with the motivation to take the next step toward living their dream. Alison Feliciano’s charisma, warmth, and sense of humor has impacted many lives.