Ardre Orie: A Woman You Should Know

There are women and then there are women you should know.
Everyday women across the country and globe are making things happen in their world. They are women who have discovered, outperformed, innovated, defied and soared.
Come meet Ardre Orie at the inaugural ZOOM CON in Atlanta, GA - Ramada Plaza, March 24-25, 2017!
Ardre Orie is a writer, book publisher, playwright, film director and advocate on a mission to create meaningful media that reflects the diversity of our life’s experiences and feeds our souls. As the product of a single parent home and childhood survivor of domestic violence, Ardre recognized that there was great power in the transparency of her pain through storytelling. Her goal as a media maven is to create platforms and media that allow the voices of those who have suffered from oppressive circumstances to be heard. Orie has written for a host of clients including VH1, YouTube and the sports and entertainment industry as well as a bevy of everyday heroes.
Orie began her career as an author telling the stories of women in her local community at age 10. As author of Consciously Beautiful: I Am Enough (2014), A Heroine in Heels (2015) and The Art of Storytelling (2016); writer and director of the theatrical productions Lipstick Monologues and The Heart of a Man; and film director of the documentary I Am Consciously Beautiful, Ardre Orie’s work sheds light on life’s experiences while closely examining the effects of mainstream media and societal norms that have defined our journeys and self-worth.
In 2015, Orie founded 13th & Joan, a multimedia publishing company to provide a vehicle for aspiring authors, playwrights and film directors to tell their stories with her support and guidance. Orie continues to thrive as the “Queen of Storytelling” while creating a rich legacy of love. Ardre Orie currently resides in Chicago, Illinois with her husband and two daughters.